Chaitra Navratri: Siddhidatri



On the ninth and last day of Chaita Navratri, Shakti is worshipped in the form of Siddhidatri (Siddhi=perfection, Datri=giver). In iconography, She is depicted with four arms and holds a lotus, conch, gada (mace), and chakra, and She sits on top of a lotus flower. She governs the planetary body Ketu, which is the southern lunar node.

This form of Shakti is worshiped by not only humans but also the other Gods. Her worship by Shiva is mentioned in Scripture, as related by Baba Rampuri:

When the Universal Mother was gripped with the idea of projecting Creation, She, first of all, created Lord Shiva who prayed to Her to endow him with perfections.  For this purpose, the Universal Mother (Durgaa) produced Goddess Siddhidaatri from Her own person.  As the behest of the Universal Mother, Goddess Siddidaatri bestowed eighteen kinds of rare perfections and powers and potentialities (Siddhis) on Lord Shiva.  By virtue of these siddhis, Lord Shiva happened to develop a divine splendor.

Having acquired the siddhis from Goddess Siddhidaatri, Lord Shiva created Lord Vishnu who in turn created Lord Brahma who was entrusted with the task of the Creation whereas Lord Vishnu got the task of Protection and Lord Shiva that of Destruction.

Lord Brahma felt a great difficulty in his task of the Creation in the absence of man and woman.  Thereupon he remembered Mother Siddhidaatri.  When she appeared before him, Lord Brahma said to her, “Oh Great Mother!  I cannot carry on with the task of the Creation in the absence of man and woman.  You kindly solve this problem of mine through your supernatural attainments (siddhis).”

Having heard Lord Brahma, Mother Siddidaatri converted half the person of Lord Shiva into a woman.  Thus Lord Shiva became half-male and half-female and came to be known as Ardhanaarishwara.  Thus the problem of Lord Brahma was resolved and the task of the Creation went on smoothly.


Her mantra is:

Sidhha Gandharvay khshadher Surair Marair Api

Sevya Mana Sada Bhooyat Siddhida Siddhidayini

Which in English means:

Goddess Siddhidatri who is worshipped by Siddha, Gandharva, Yaksh, Gods, Demons etc., holds Conch, Chakra, Gada and Lotus in her hands, giver of all siddhis and victory all over, be propitious to me.

For purposes of pronunciation, I have included a link to the spoken mantra (The mantra itself lasts for the first minute of this video, after which a speaker gives a lecture in Hindi).


4 thoughts on “Chaitra Navratri: Siddhidatri

  1. Dear Carmilla,
    I just discovered your blog, and reading through your pages has really been an interesting and moving experience. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, beliefs and doubts! I recognize a lot of what you write and will try to make a few comments relating to some of the themes you pick up. A lot of them also seem to have manifested in my life, only in somewhat different or parallel shapes and forms. First of all, the fact that ever since my early childhood my spiritual experiences – and cravings – could not be properly delt with within the accessible religious and educational institutions.

    In due time, however, a path leading to proper spiritual initiation and schooling would actually open up for me and remove my feelings of inconsistencies, not least also with regard to my Christian cultural and religious background. It would also remove my need for constant search for new forms and manifestations of Dea or Atman – which is not the same as saying that I do not recognize and cherish the fact that uncountable such forms exist.

    On other levels of my existence, however, other kinds of inconsistencies – or perhaps better: incongruencies – would continue to exist, or even seem to become worse; not least with regard to the enigmatic intersections of spirituality and different forms of love, sexuality and genders that you also write about.

    I have always been attracted to a sartorial and behavioural expression of ‘traditional femininity’, very much akin to the Aristasian ways that I also somehow happened to stumble upon on the Net. It was a great moment of anagnorisis – apart from what I at the time thought of as a few disturbing details of minor importance. But of course they were important!

    Most important, however, was the fact that I was a transwoman, or to be more precise: On my way to outwardly manifest a ruling feminine identity principle within me. In spite of the professed Aristasian essentialistic spirituality, there was little understanding or even acceptance of this.
    At that moment, it was rather horrible, for indeed it put the incongruity of my existence in a sharp perspective. Inwardly, I was an emerging Femme, spiritually, emotionally and erotically attracted to Femmes. But outwardly I was seen as a kind of impostor; not only in Aristasia but also in the lesbian community and elsewhere.

    It was all a tremendous lesson I was being given! As a man I had been extremely successful in my love life, also with regard to consoling the romantic and spiritual aspects of love. However, the moment it dawned that deeper down in me there was an emerging Feminine being, I instantly turned into a member of the ‘Dalith Caste’ and became a kind of Untouchable! In the early days of transformation I would even sometimes three or four times a day expeiment with changing from male to female form and experience the remarkable shift from respectful acceptance and desirability to ostracisation and ‘weirdoisation’.

    What a wake up call it was – and it taught me never to accept false compromises in romantic love and in fact also never to be dependent on such a relationship to happen. For indeed, there is little one can do, except to receive with an open mind what comes your way.

    Love from

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